The definitive story of the 2015 Muizenberg Fire • An in-depth case study of wildfire in the Western Cape • A comprehensive fire-progression map • Perspectives from both sides of the Wildland Urban Interface • A detailed history of outsourced, integrated wildfire management • The implications of urbanisation for our endangered, wildfire-adapted Fynbos Biome and biodiversity in the 21st Century • 200-plus iconic photographs • 30 000 words
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What is The Cape Aflame Project?
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Close on 3 000 copies (the full print run) of The Cape Aflame – Cape Town's Dance with Fire have been sold. The full proceeds of every sale go directly to our partner organisations. To date, we have donated more than R430 000. You may be able to buy a copy from our preferred stockist, Wizardz Print & Design, at the Gardens, V&A Waterfront, Tyger Valley, Constantia Village and Eikestad shopping malls. Alternatively, buy a copy from our network of independent booksellers, including the Botanical Society Bookshop at Kirstenbosch, or at tourist and holiday destinations affected by the fire, such as Groot Constantia and Constantia Glen.
All proceeds go to our partners CoGH SPCA Wildlife and Horse Care Units • Volunteer Wildfire Services • SANParks Honorary Rangers • Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association
Take advantage of our cover price of R395 including VAT, support this worthwhile cause and acquire a stunning, educative publication at exceptional value.
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The Cape Aflame Project is an independent initiative by volunteer professionals. All proceeds go to our designated partners. Independently published and marketed, The Cape Aflame – Cape Town's Dance with Fire has been a stunning success, selling rapidly into the private and public sectors. Because all proceeds go to public-benefit organisations, we do not plan a reprint and the book, now a collector's item, is officially out of print. You may, however, locate a copy at one of our selected stockists.

together we can keep the cape aflame
PREVIEW THE BOOKiphone怎么永久上外国网站
"Your generosity and unity of spirit made the difference, and for that we, who are charged with preserving this unique environment, thank you as much as we do our heroes on the fireline."
ios怎么浏览外国的网站SANBI Restoration Ecologist Dr Tony Rebelo
"I approve. I fully support it."
Read MoreGO! Travel and Outdoors magazine
"A graphic case study for everyone interested in Cape Town's precious Fynbos Biome and conservation in general. It's also a moving human interest story, told in documentary style with drama and intensity."
Read MoreCatCloud不能用了-outline
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

SANParks and CapeNature – The Silence of the Damned?

Parkscape Running on Empty in Tokai

Tokai’s Spurned Lovers Doth Protest Too Much


Setting The Cape Aflame

Latest: Fiery Bestseller Raises R400K

Cape Town’s Dance with Fire

Cape Botanists Record March Fire’s ‘Devastation’

The Cape Aflame Clears the Tower



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Set the Cape Aflame

The Fire Tracers

New Book Puts 2015 Muizenberg Fire in Context


As We Saw It …

Rebelo Slams Blanket Fire Suppression


Aliens Ate My Suburb

The Way We Do Things Around Here

The Vineyard Rhino Relief Brawl*

Premier Zille, and Basil’s Naked Romp

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